WebWay Pros are shipped with 12 pin inputs available as a standard configuration, Minis have 2, with the option of adding a further 16 with a plug on board and Nanos have 8. These can be used in conjunction with any serial/MCM panel integration and used to send supplementary events such as Fire, Freezer, Smoke detection or environmental alarms that are not normally connected via the Intruder System. A full pins/hardwire only installation should be used as a last resort where full SIA and UDL capability is not possible (refer to WebWayOne Panel integration for more detail). When electrically connected the WebWay device is looking for a change of voltage on each individual pin. There is a hard control to decide whether a POS (+12V) or a NEG (0V) BIAS is used to indicate change of state. In addition a configuration profile is downloaded to the SPT and used to determine which state indicates an alarm or restore state. For pins/hardwire installations the control of HIGH/LOW BIAS is set within Menu L on the unit changing the Bias to H or L respectively. When set to HIGH BIAS the pins have a floating voltage and should be grounded (0V) to change state. They will also change state when the 0V is lost. With LOW BIAS the pins sit at 0V and require +12V to change state.
Hard wired Inputs 1-16 configured as simple high inputs
Input threshold high to low 2.0V DC (maximum Input voltage: 30V DC) If required the alarm and restore conditions may be reversed in the SPT configuration
Hard wired Inputs configured as simple low inputs
Input threshold low to high 4.0V DC (maximum Input voltage: 30V DC) If required the alarm and restore conditions may be reversed in the SPT configuration
Hard wired PIN Inputs
PIN Input - Tamper configured as for simple low or high inputs PIN Input - Battery fail configured as for simple low or high inputs PIN Input - Mains fail configured as for simple low or high inputs
The Pin Sense Control determines which state indicates an alarm or restore condition (loaded on Auto Take-On).
The interpretation of the above terminology does vary within the industry, however in this instance Negative Removed to Alarm means the same as Negative Applied to restore. In the table above the terminology is associated to the alarm state. It is advised that the alarm conditions are set to a “removed state” so that a tamper or a break in the cabling (malicious or fire damage etc) can be detected. The “applied state” should only be used for the alarm condition if no other option is available. WebWayOne SPTs are shipped in HIGH BIAS mode for Negative Removed alarms. A “Pin Profile” defines which particular Alarm/Restore condition is applied to the individual hardwire connections. All Hardwire conditions are sent as a SIA event. The table (below) outlines the standard designated SIA profile applied to all SPTs. Deviations from this are either captured during the order process or can be altered on written request:
The profile above is called “WebWayOne Std –ve” and is for use with Negative Removed alarms. If Positive Removed is required, there is an alternative profile of “WebWayOne Std +ve”; this has Positive Pin Sense on all Pins and can be changed on request. An example of the raw SIA alarm event delivered to the ARC is as follows:- [#0112|NFA8001|AFire Alarm] Where [#0112 (site ID)|NFA (Event SIA code) 8001 (alarm number)|AFire Alarm (ASCII Text associated with the alarm event)] n.b. WebWay Pins will not signal an event unless an electrical change of state occurs. Therefore all connected control equipment should be tested from alarm source and NOT by removing the alarm cable from the SPT pin input. I&HAS applications: When used in I&HAS applications PIN Inputs 9-16 are always programmed as simple high low inputs and PIN Inputs 1-8 can be individually programmed as END OF LINE (EOL) or simple HIGH/LOW inputs. This needs to be specifically requested so it can be enabled on the device.
Hard wired Inputs configured as ‘end of line’ (EOL)
Alarm state 10k +/- 5% Restore state 14k7 +/- 5% Open circuit Loop > 100k ohms Short circuit Loop < 5 ohms Tamper conditions Loop between > 5 ohms & < 10k ohms -5% Loop between > 10k ohms + 5% & < 14k7 ohms -5% Loop between > 14k7 ohms + 5% & < 100k ohms If required the alarm and restore conditions may be reversed in the SPT configuration n.b. EOL pins cannot function with a +12V reference, it must be a 0V reference.