Is the line shared or dedicated?
- A dedicated line is suitable for all Grades. - A shared line is suitable for Grade 2 and 3.
Is the PSTN line presenting 50VDC and dial tone?
Lack of a voltage and/or dial tone will suggest a line fault prior to installation.
What is the telephone line number?
If the customer does not know the telephone line number use the line to call your mobile phone or other destination where the number can be captured. It is useful to know the number prior to installation, but not 100% necessary.
Are telephone calls made via a PBX?
If yes then you will need to add a “9” to the SPT’s telephone
How many devices are connected to the line?
Each device connected to the line will have a REN (Ringer Equivalence Number). - PSTN lines support a REN of 4. - In general devices have a REN of 1. - If the REN exceeds 4 the the line will not operate.
Does the line have CLI WITHHELD?
WebWay requires the telephone number to be received as part of the call identification. If the subscribers number is with held the system will not work.
Is the PSTN service provided by BT?
If the PSTN service is NOT provided by BT there is potential that latency (delays in transmit/receive) can occur. WebWay can remotely program the SPT to force the dial up to use BT services (if supported by the provider). Calls are made to WebWay’s freephone service (UK).
What if the line is shared and REN is exceeded?
If the PSTN line has multiple devices operating the end user may want to add a broadband service to it (best option) or order a separate PSTN line dedicated to security.