Everyone who has a WebWay World account can sign customers up to CONXTD on October 3rd. A new icon will appear in your Connections area of WebWay World, alongside every Live Site you have. Just click the icon and enter the email address of the end user you want to invite. CONXTD sends a personalised email from you, which takes them through the process to get CONXTD. When your end user accepts we generate a billing record for you. We invoice you at the end of the month which follows the acceptance. So if an end user accepts on 15th June your first invoice will be sent to you on 31st July. Each subscription costs £2 per month which you can wrap into your maintenance and monitoring fees. We’ll be launching an automatic solution using PayPal later in the year. CONXTD is available on the Apple App Store now. An Android version will be released in November. Android users can use the mobile browser or desktop solutions now.



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